We’ve read and heard countless speculations on how Breaking Bad will end and even found ourselves talking about the outcome at a funeral on Friday. The episode of course is called “Felina” and our friend, John Gilmore, has reworked the Marty Robbin’s song, “El Paso.”
“Out in the west New Mexico Town Of ABQ, I think even though he is a megalomaniac and self centered egotistical person of limited morals (“Shocked by the FOUL EVIL deed I had done”) he really does love his family and originally broke bad for them. He can’t stay away (“Back in El Paso my life would be worthless”)
(“It’s been so long since I’ve seen the young maiden”) (“My love is stronger than my fear of death”) so he will come back to ABQ, gun (my little friend) in hand to shoot it out with Todd’s gang (Off to my right I see five mounted cowboys ) and the DEA (“Off to my left ride a dozen or more”) because as we know “Everyone dies in this movie”. (“I see the white puff of smoke from the rifle. I feel the bullet go deep in my chest”).
(“Cradled by two loving arms that I’ll die for , One little kiss and Felina, good-bye.”) Probably in his back yard by the swimming pool !!! With the pink doll’s eye in his hand !!!”
“El Paso” would sound as good as The Limeliters “Times Are Getting Hard” did a few weeks ago, a great juxtaposition with something much darker. The characters have been so delicious it hardly matters what happens. The introduction of Rochester’s Robert Forster in the next-to-last episode, oddly brought a calm before the final nods to Walt Whitman and Scarface.
Peggi thinks Walt will survive, alone, only to be told his cancer is gone. This would be a brilliant summary for a show that has continually messed with our notions of good and evil.
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