Just like the Soccer Moms and Joe Sixpacks, we were really looking forward to the debate tonight and it sort of disappointed. The bar had been lowered so far that Sarah won by not completely blowing it. And when you think about Dick Cheney, Palin did look pretty vice presidential. I have a pretty good track record of picking the losing limbo dancer and I hope I’m wrong this time.
She did not ‘win’. Give me a break. She robotically spewed out canned responses, ignored direct questions she did not have answers for, repeated Cheney’s assertion that the Constitution can expand VP powers in the legislature, lied repeatedly.
And there has been zero improvement in McCain’s numbers as a result.
Winning is not about not screwing up, winning is about being Presidential. Biden was, she was not.
i’d like 2 kick her ass.
Did you see that Palin debate flowchart .. kinda funny