The Maytag dude was all lit up in the appliances section.
For months I had been compiling a list in my pocket notebook of things we needed at Home Depot. So when I finally got there I had some serious shopping to do. I broke our old push broom so I started at the far end of the store near the garden section. I bought a twenty five dollar yellow shop broom that had angle braces suportting the handle down near the broom. PushBroom 2.0.
We needed some some 100 watt bulbs and I bought the Florescents with the mercury in them but I keep hoping they will come up with a “warm” bulb. Between “Soft, Bright and Daylight”, I settled for “Soft.” I tried some “Daylight” a while back and it wasn’t what I pictured. I bought some wire for the back of the paintings that I’m getting ready for a show and some plastic to cover a window in our basement. I only wanted to buy one ceiling tile but I had to buy a whole box and the last thing on my list was “rubber seals”. Rubber seals for what. I couldn’t imagine. Maybe it was the leaky shower that I’ve learned to ignore.
1 Comment
Ha! I developed that standee back in 07/08 while working for ARS Advertising. I believe we used Rapid Display in Chicago for production. He looks like Jason Sudekis