Not these mugs again. This is just a little show at a little gallery. In fact it’s called the “Little Cafe”. But it has taken me most of the week to get ready for it. I made some small changes to one of the paintings a few minutes ago and I’m supposed to meet Peter Monticelli there tomorrow morning at eight to hang the show. I never see eight AM. This requires setting the alarm.
I counted the lights when we played at the Little last week and I’m bringing one piece for each light. Five will go on front wall behind where the band sets up. I settled the order tonight by spreading them out in our living room. I had a different five lined up here until Peggi put her two cents in. She was right. I might shuffle a few more around again when I get there.
I emailed the Democrat & Chronicle, City News and the Irondequoit Press about the show and Linda Quinlan from the Irondequoit Press called to ask if she could do an interview. She stopped by and we looked at the paintings. She was really sweet. She said she “did everything but clean the floors” for the paper. We gave her some Yogi Tea. We don’t read the fortunes anymore. I doubt those Yogi Tea people are real yogis.
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That shot is my new screen wallpaper. I would title it “Rug, plug, mugs.”