We had lunch at the Convention Center downtown while Kathy Palokoff from Customericty was being nominated for a prestigious Athena Award. She faced some really stiff competition from other women including the honorable Maggie Brooks.
There is a beautiful veiw here of the two tiered Broad Street Bridge crossing the Genesse River. The Erie Canal at one time flowed across the river through the lower portion of this bridge. Or maybe it flowed through on the top level. I’m not not really sure about this. It was diveret and now crosses the river in Genesee Valley Park near the UofR. Behind the Broad Street bridge you can see the top of the new suspenion bridge, the one some people cal the Susan B. Anthony Frederick Douglas Bridge.
We used to sing this song in grade school. Do New York kids still sing this?
1 Comment
Oh, God, that nightmare song! Hope kids are not tortured with that anymore. It seems infernal attempts to find romance in that muddy ditch called The Erie Canal will never cease.