Irondequoit Bay is winter playground once it freezes over. We got out on the ice and talked to a few of the fisherman. They were pulling fish out of their holes but they were all pretty small. We watched a group of kids play hockey on a rink they had cleared for themselves. I remember doing that in that same spot when I was a kid. And at the other end of the bay we saw motorcycles were racing around in circles. There’s plenty of funky places to eat down here too. I would recomend Vic & Irv’s, Shamrock Jack’s or Nick’s Seabeeze Inn.
Saw a guy down there with a parasail (I think that’s what it’s called) pulling him along on skates.
Vic and Irv’s? That’s nuts. Who would eat there with Don’s right next store? Are you from Webster or somethin’? Remember, you’re Irondequoiters now and Irondequoiters eat at Don’s Original.