I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to get the contents of a html/php page to stay centered vertically, as well as horizontally, no matter how big you open the browser window and no matter how much content is on the page. This used to be easy with tables but I’m trying to do it with CSS. I came awake early this morning thinking about this. I’ve been using bits and pieces of various people’s code to develop this thing. When I put paragraph returns or includes or just about ay more content into this this thing thing it all falls apart.
I am trying to come up with a template that I can use on the Refrigerator and other sites. The template has an include for the header, footer and Goggle ads (if I go that route) and I want to get the Google search bar in the header of each page. Yesterday I got the logo graphic (with its link) to change on a rollover with css so I don’t have to pile on that java script. I found a pretty cool trick here for that. And I still need to develop a Spry menu bar for the header so you can navigate the site. It has been getting so complicated that I keep wondering what exactly is wrong with one link on each page that goes back to an index page that has links for anywhere you might want to go on the site.
I’m exhausted. Do you guys have snuggies?
I think we get junk emails for Snuggies and we laugh so I guess we have Snuggies.