We have had so much rain around here this summer that people are comparing our weather to Oregon or Washington State. The ponds in Durand look like pea soup and we keep spotting green on the walls of the street pool even though the chlorine level reads right. I’m not complaining. I could care less about the weather. Our tomatoes are doing great.
I looked at the pictures in “Wolf Kahn’s America” for about four weeks and then continued reading the book. He is as fluid and colorful a writer as he is a painter. In fact John Updike wrote the Introduction and I kept stumbling over that. This quote struck me. “A subject is worth painting only when it transcends the everyday and gets to represent an over-arching insight. This insight only reveals itself in the course of work.” I kept wrestling with it because I am so drawn to the everyday.
Watch out for those algae blooms! You will be involved in serious chemical warfare before long.
Watch out for those algae blooms! You will be involved in serious chemical warfare before long. Cool photo.
I take it back, since I said it twice.
Fuck John Updike. Look up this: “Only an artist can see the everyday and reveal genius.”
that quote is elitist bullshit.
the artist sees “extraordinary” in the ordinary.
i agree. that updike quote is bullshit.
I’m happy you guys agree. When Paul (I don’t care if he’s embarrassed) can take the ordinary mug shots out of the paper – pictures which hundreds of thousands of people “see” – and turn them into fascinating subjects, THAT’S an ARTIST.