We rode our bikes down to Durand Eastman beech to catch Joe Plus N’s Day Tour performance, the tenth annual, on Saturday. We have caught at least one stop all ten years except for the year we were in Spain on vacation. Joe had asked me to play with him that year too so I missed out twice as bad. This stop was billed as random trios and Joe Tunis was to play with Will Veeder of Hinkley and Scott Oliver of ORAA but Will didn’t show up. The duo sounded especially nice on the beach.
what a cute lil drum kit.
rochester music would be a wasteland without joe tunis’ energy, creativity, and tireless example. i have followed his musical (and carbon records label) career from the very beginning when he was a student at RIT, and i have always been inspired by him. be sure to check out one of his many shows around town.