Ready To Pop

Horse chestnut ready to pop

I think this is a horse Chestnut. I found it in the woods a few days ago and photographed it before putting it on put it on our window sill. Why do artists even bother to compete with nature? This morning while I was making coffee the chestnut rolled out of its shell, off the sill, on to the floor and down the basement steps. Our cat ran after it.

Speaking of explosions, Margaret Explosion plays our last October gig tonight. I’m hoping to be home in time to see the Yankees beat the Phillies.


9 Replies to “Ready To Pop”

  1. GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH!

  2. I think, but I’m not sure, that the multi-pointed green shiso leaf often placed on the side of a sushi platter is a horse chestnut mint leaf. Thats the way I heard it described some years ago.

    Its taste is one of the unique treasures of the culinary world. That leaf with a little wasbi, wrapped around a piece of hamachi, lightly dipped in soy sauce is indescribable.

  3. When we were kids there was a street lined with horse chestnut trees. This time of year we’d fill grocery bags with chestnuts and make things out of them by sticking them together with toothpicks.
    I’d be careful about eating those leaves- we were always told that horse chestnuts are poisonous.

  4. This is an American Chestnut and it is poisonous! The European Horse Chestnuts are the edible ones. The difference is that the edible ones are distinctly flat on one side.

  5. We used to play a game called “Horse Chestnut”. We were kids who picked up the pods and ran around throwing them at each other.

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