Frederick Law Olmsted designed three parks in Rochester but he was already dead by the time Durand Eastman was developed. Durand Eastman is celebrating it’s one hundredth birthday this year. We spotted an announcement in the paper for a tree tour on Sunday so we walked over there and met near the old zoo.
The guides were very knowledgeable and pleasant, the weather was perfect and the park looked beautiful. A couple from California were there expecting to see some Fall color but but because we are so close to the lake the trees are only beginning to change color. Funny that you have to go south a bit to see the change. This Dawn Redwood was thought to be extinct until a Japanese botanist rediscovered the Chinese tree in the forties. This tree was panted with a seed from that Redwood and it has already grown this big.
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The trees here are at their peak…so beautiful! Some years the colors really pop–brassy and brittle. The colors this year are deep and rich–like an oil painting. It’s almost as if you could squeeze the colors onto a pallette. It reminds me of a Rembrandt I saw at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Colors so beautiful it made me weep.