I admit I waste a lot of time. Last night in painting class I just couldn’t seem to get going. I toyed with walking over to Starry Nites for a cup of coffee but never did. I had this small painting in front of me that I just kept picking at and I knew I wasn’t following Fred Lipp’s rules for procedure. “You always address the worst first.” I know this and here I was over developing one section without bringing another even onto the playing field. Fred checked up on me a number of times and finally couldn’t help himself. He said, “I keep waiting for you to get the the rest of the painting and I don’t see anything happening. You’re wasting your time.” I think I knew that. I was in a funk.
I had a short stack of paintings that did I had worked on at home and I showed them to Fred. I had addressed problems on them that he had called my attention to the week before. And sure enough, Fred now moved past those areas and found more more small problems. And so it goes. If I proceed by the rules things do get better. But it takes an effort.
art has no rules
maybe so dave, but there are schools of thought…