The band was hoppin’ on Wednesday night at the Little and we made the double bonus. We sold six cds and won some new fans. Mike Allen took me out to his car at break time to play some new arrangements of songs he plans to perform. He had recorded keyboard and tone generator bass lines. They were snippets but the essential parts of the songs and here he was singing live over those instrumental parts while in the drivers seat, head back and eyes closed. He did a jazzy version of “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus’ and merged it with a blues tune so the lyric veered into a guy catching his woman (Mommy) making it with another guy. I was knocked out.
John Gilmore made a copy of the Dylan Christmas album for us. I’m afraid Bob has gone soft in the head because the playing and arrangements are so stock they put a spotlight on the Bard’s croak. His “Who Stole the Kishka” version of “Must Be Santa” is the only decent track. I read a review of “The Jazz Loft Project” somewhere and ordered it for Christmas. I dove into it this morning and love it. In the mood, I was playing a Charlie Parker lp that Roy Sowers loaned us and Peggi’s mom asked, “Is this Christmas music?” Peggi said “Yes” without flinching.
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Nice photo