Did anybody else think Sandra Bullock’s lipstick was too red last night? Nothing stopping Ms. Bigalow though. And that “This Is Your Life” section, actors told other actors what they liked about them in front of the whole world, was really creepy. I liked Jeff Bridges in the Fabulous Baker Boys but I wasn’t buying his his country thing. Of course I haven’t seen the movie so I’m only basing that assessment on his appearance at the Oscars. I miss the streakers. That guy holding up the “Text Dolphin to 44144” sign was as close as we got to spontaneity. We haven’t seen any of the movies that were up except for Food Inc. We did put a few on our Netflix list today.
It was near fifty today and the snow will be gone soon so we’ll be able to clean up the mess in our street’s pool. We had a couple of trees come down with that heavy wet snow. Peggi and I are still the pool presidents for another few months so went down there today to take a closer look.
Ruth Kligman, the woman in Jackson Pollack’s 1950 Rocket 88 when he crashed, has joined Pollack in the great beyond. She was a painter too but she was more famous as an art groupie as she also had affairs with DeKooning and Kline. Franz Kline kind of steals her NYT obituary with this quote.
‘Art is my life,’ is my motto, ” Ms. Kligman wrote, and in an interview she once said that she knew better than many how hard such a life was. She recalled running into Kline at the Cedar bar and telling him that she had just finished what she thought was her best painting. He bought her a drink and told her, of the world: “They think it’s easy. They don’t know it’s like jumping off a 12-story building every day.”
yes sandra’s lipstick was too red. it wasnt just that her lips were 2 red, her make-up in general wasnt flattering. and i agree with carson kressley… her dress was dynamite.
I believe you saw portions of one of the best picture entries.