We had been buried in work, a brochure for the Cancer Institute, and unable to get out for the last two days. But today we walked out of here just like that dramatic scene in “Buñuel’s “Exterminating Angel” when the bourgeois party goers finally decide they are able to leave the house they have been holed up in for days. Well, it was almost that dramatic. There were plenty of fallen limbs in the woods as a result of the heavy snow we had over the weekend but the skiing was surprisingly good. We stopped along the path that follows the shoreline of Eastman Lake and I took this photo. This tree has been sticking out of the pond for years but it looked especially good to me today.
We’ve used a few different shopping carts over the years and Peggi has decided to give X-Cart a try on our newest project. She has chatted with and emailed the Russians that work for the company and they seem quite friendly. Not sure what that cold war was all about. You download and set up the software for free and you pay when you implement it. So far, so good.
Speaking of shopping carts – I grabbed one of the small ones over at Wegmans but I was shopping with two lists, one for us and one for Peggi’s mom. I filled the cart with Depends and Dr. Pepper. I wasn’t sure if the cashier could get all the groceries back in the cart so I apologized for filling up the buggy. Buggy? Where did that word come from? Another era and I was there.
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