Indiana had some fierce poison ivy. A girl I knew when I was going to school there got it so bad her eyes were swollen shut. When I was a kid I could pick it up and not get it but my body chemistry changed and I got it real good one year. We skied by this poison ivy voodoo like installation over the weekend. I would be afraid to even look at it in the summer. Our friend, Steve Hoy, told us poison ivy thrives where the earth has been tortured in some way. You see it on the side of roads where the highway department is continually cutting it back. It has a vengeful streak.
We sold two “Live Dive” cds to people in Germany in the last week. Can’t figure out what that is all about. I know Jack, who plays guitar with us often, loves Krautrock. Maybe they are returning the favor.
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Used to be, if someone in the next county said the words “Poison Ivy” I got it. I tried all the calamine lotion type things & nothing ever worked.
Then my grandmother suggested an old treatment from the 1930s – Fels Naptha laundry soap. It took a while to find it, you still can order it online after a google search. For me, its the only thing that ever worked.
Shave the dense bar of soap into a mug & add a little boiling water so you can work it into a thick paste. Then spread it thickly onto the affected areas and let it dry. You’ll feel your skin tingling (burning) as the lye from the soap does its thing against the poison ivy. after it completely dries, wash it off & pat the skin dry w/paper towels. Do this 2-3 times a day till it clears up. You’ll lose a layer of skin.