I suspect Pete and Shelley usually go to bed shortly after sunset and then they are probably up with the dawn. That would only be natural if you lived up in the woods off the grid. But when they come to Rochester all that goes out the window. We were up til two on Wednesday and Thursday and then well past three on Friday.
Most of that time was spent around the table talking although we did duck out for smoked trout at Rick and Monica’s and to see/hear Watkins & the Rapiers at the Little. Guitarist, Steve Piper, was wearing a Margaret Explosion t-shirt. With seven guys in the band it was hard to hear the lyrics and that is where the charm is. I brought the iPad with us to play music in the car and I didn’t want to leave it in the car so I brought in with us. Because we don’t have a case or anything it was spotted immediately and then passed around two tables. I’m pretty sure Apple has a hit on its hands with his thing.
We slept like babies last night and spent most of the day repairing the fence in Leo’s garden so we can keep the deer and rabbits away from our plants. The mint and chives and rhubarb are all up over there. With a little digging we found potatoes and parsnips from last year and had the potatoes for dinner. Rick caught a trout in Irondequoit Bay and gave us a fillet for tomorrow’s dinner. We are a little uncertain about eating big old parsnips and Bay trout but we will probably go for it.
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