We met Jeff and Mary Kaye for dinner but Osterria was full, no tables free until 8PM and we had to be at a house concert with David Olney. So we drove over to Polska Chata. Their upstairs dining room was full so we sat in the side room next to this display of Polish delicacies. We ordered a round of Polish beers and Jeff and Mary Kaye had the fish fry which comes with a hardy breaded haddock, a decidedly non creamy cole slaw and pierogies. Peggi and I each ordered the Cabbage Stew special. This place is so good and the setting, in an old house on a side street off East Ridge Road, is so precious I always worry that maybe not enough people know about it to keep them afloat. But they’ve been here for three years so I’ll find something else to worry about.
David Olney and Sergio Webb, performing in Rick an Monica’s living room was pretty cool although two songs about buying my gal a ring in the first set was a little too much for me. Sergio Webb is a dream accompanist on second guitar. They did a beautiful version of “I Only Have Eyes For You”. We let them borrow some mic stands so we got in for free. David liked a small painting of mine that Rick and Monica had bought and had on display. He asked if he could buy one from me so I went across the street and picked one out for him. He gave me a one of his cds and I gave him a Margaret Explosion cd. I told not to put it on while he was driving because he would probably drive off the road.
jeez, the photo!! wow. i hope everybody clix on it.
If I were you, I’d get back in the car & hightail it back over to the Polish store & see if they have Ludwig Dairy brand Polish Mustard. I just discovered it in Bklyn & have been going thru it jar after jar. They may have it cuz the other brands in the pic are sitting along side it in the Polish stores of my neighborhood.
ah, the motherland! they’re an interesting and tasty place to go for something different,prior to the current location their store was across the street in that little plaza which is run by
the owners of the chinese restaurant just down the street, Great Win Chinese Restaurant,also a good place for take out ~ although they do have 3 or 4 tables for
in house dining.