There was an article in National Geographic about wolves mating with dogs and coyotes but it didn’t mention foxes. One of our neighbors took these shots with a surveillance camera he set up in the woods behind his house. I guess the camera takes a shot even in low light when it senses movement. There has been some debate as to whether this is a fox or a coyote. I did an Google image search for “fox” and this guy doesn’t look as good as any of them. Try it for yourself – “fox”. I’m going with coyote.
the coyotes around here look all straggly and skinny and wiry and nappy compared to this one.
Still I’d say a coyote rather than a fox.
That is definitely a coyote. We had foxes behind our house on Pinnacle when I was married and coyotes when I lived in Pittsford. Keep the cats in…
That is a very healthy looking coyote. Probably because of all the deer in Durand- packs will hunt down deer.
too big for a fox
Yeah, a fox looks more like a cat in drag…
Coyote for sure. It’s all in the ears.
And of course ‘leg markings’.