Our friend and neighbor, Rick, bought his wife, Monica, a dedication plaque, the kind they hang on trees in the park, for their their twenty fifth wedding anniversary. They didn’t tell us they did this but we found it. We are the type of people who look at those little tags on the trees in the park. Most have no dedication at all just the Latin name for the species. One day we walked home chanting Cercis Chinensis over and over so we wouldn’t forget to look it up. Turns out it is a redbud. They’re in bloom now, beautiful small purple flowers lining the branches of the tree. Rick and Monica’s tag is on a yellow magnolia and it too is in full bloom. It is one of the last magnolias to blossom. Their tag also includes this e.e. cummings poem.
We’re headed over to their house tonight to watch the Bernardo Bertolucci film, “Sheltering Sky”. It’s based on a Paul Bowles book and he narrates the movie.
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