I can’t think of a better place to spend Indian Summer than Algonquin Provincial Park up north of Toronto. We spent the last four days there, backcountry camping and living in the moment which makes it all sort of hard to describe.
There were highlights that transcended the moment like the shooting star, the beaver we followed for a half hour or so and the midnight canoe ride to the dark side of the island where the shoreline reflected on the still lake like a wild hallucination with Rorschach attributes.
The 3000 square mile park is astoundingly beautiful and pretty much the same as it was one during the first Indian Summer.
wow, wow, and wow.
Nice, but this warm October weather is NOT Indian Summer. Really, that happens after the first frost, or after the first snow, a warm spell in November, maybe even early December. It is a different mood entirely, no leaves on the trees, and a smokey haze in the deadly calm atmosphere. It was the Indians last harvest of corn and squash, and it presages winter. EVERYBODY makes this mistake lately, it seems. The sportscaster for the Buffalo Bills game Sunday began: “here on a nice Indian Summer day in Western New York.”