There’s hardly ever a line a Wegmans. They like taking your money. Speaking of “like”, the like button in the sidebar of this page stopped working. Not during an upgrades or anything, it just just stopped working out of the blue. But I discovered that when I sign out of fb the counter begins working again and shows the 433 that have clicked. I tried updating the wp page with a plugging-in but it wanted to start counting from zero so I disabled the plug-in. Just like Sparky‘s site I have a broken counter.
Anyway back to the line at Wegman’s. I had enough time to scan the magazine covers at the check out. Men’s Health magazine, “Melt Your Gut.” Women’s Health magazine, “Sculpt A Butt That Defies Gravity.”
trees trying to build a house?
Steve, that’s really funny!
Feral Lincoln Logs