I couldn’t get my Nikon to focus on this Robin egg. Of course I was in “Auto” mode so I can’t really complain. The camera does have a manual focus but that would take me ten minutes to figure out. Imagine how difficult it would be for an auto focus mechanism to find a surface on the egg on which to focus.
I occasionally buy the organic eggs at Wegmans. They clearly taste better than the regular Wegman’s eggs but at almost four times the price they are a real luxury item. And I don’t like the little red Wegmans logo stamped on top of each of the brown eggs. The packaging is bad enough but it really bugs me when they put their mark right on the produce.
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Get eggs from the Market vendors called The Old Farm. $2.50 for large. Not organic but free range and once you eat them no supermarket egg tastes like anything including those organic ones. Once a year for a few weeks they don’t have them because the hens are worn out. As they say, ‘the girls go into the soup pot’ and they get new ones.
Just in case we think eggs are somehow guilt-free!