We’ve been gorging ourselves on the first three seasons of Breaking Bad, all available as “Instant Play” on Netflix, in preparation for the launch of season four on Netflix dvds. Season five drops on June 14th but we don’t have cable tv so this is how we do it. The reruns still have plenty of meat on them.
We’re crazy about the show but also worry that the writers may not be able keep this brilliant run up. When we mention the show people are always trying to us into other shows like Mad Men, Six feet Under, Weeds or The Wire and we’ve given them all a try but come on. Breaking Bad is the bomb.
cool pic!
quality photo! …
After reading your high regard for Breaking Bad Barbara and I decided to take the plunge. For us the high water mark for small screen storytelling will (probably) always be “the wire”. Never have I see such powerful, multi-faceted story lines underlying superb ensemble acting and sweet dialog track after track.
BB has a hook in me after 8 episodes. I find for me the reason I keep going back is not so much what they are producing for the screen. More it is watching my response to the ever more complicated ethical rats nest I must learn to keep mindful of as a viewer. Am I rationalizing my involvement just as Walt senior is?
We just finished season 4 last night, streamed it on Netflix. Wow! I won’t spoil anything but I will say the ethical rats nest is bigger than ever. I find my self thinking about it all the time.