I’ve spent so much time at the hospital the last few days I’m getting really confused. I’m pretty good at finding free parking spaces and I don’t mind walking so I dropped my mom and Peggi off at the front door and then wandered around my grandparent’s old neighborhood looking for a free spot. This morning I found one on Mulberry Street. It’s alternate side parking there and at 10:15 AM there was an equal number of cars parked on both sides. So I pulled over under a sign that read “NO PARKING 11AM Wed to 10AM Thur.” I really wanted to know when I COULD park here but I reasoned it out with only one hitch. I wasn’t really sure if it was Tuesday or Wednesday. I got out of the car and considered asking a guy who was working on his house what day this was but I decided to just chance it and walked off. In the hospital I noticed that the nurse asks my father the same question just to keep him on his toes.
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