There is such an incredible bounty of fresh fruit and vegetables now at the Public Market the non food items provide an attractive foil.
Connie Deming rang our bell this morning at 11 or so and caught us still in our sleep gear. She was was looking for our neighbor, Rick, and he told her he was across the street. He was on our side of the street but he was in the house next door because he bought the place when the original owner died and he’s fixing it up in order to rent it out on September 1st.
He’s scrambling to meet this deadline so we offered to help. We picked a color for their bathroom, our new favorite, gray, and we painted it. He’s hired a local contractor to put a cork floor in the basement and we heard him down there, music blaring, saws whirling and lots of one sided dialog.
First we’d hear the saw and then, “You have got to be kidding me!” Then the saw and “Did I do it again?” “I did it again!”
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“Measure twice – cut once.”