Gallery hopping and the summer heat is not a good combination so we didn’t expect much from First Friday last night. We considered skipping it altogether and riding bikes over to Wilco and whatever the Sonic Youth offshoot was in Highland Park, not paying the fifty dollar admission but just listening from the sidewalk. I kept meaning to google Wilco and find out what they sound like but I never got around to it. So we went with the gallery plan and started at the juried Arts & Cultural Council Members Show. I entered this show but didn’t get get in so I was anxious to see it. I loved the hard edged Bill Keyser abstract and remembered seeing it as he finished it in Fred Lipp’s class.
We stopped at RoCo next for the annual State of the City show and just like last year the installation in the Lab Space was more interesting than the show. Evinn Neadow showed a polaroid self portrait from each day of her life between her 21st birthday and the birth of her son five years later. Entitled “November 22, 2003-December 31, 2008”, this time tested concept proved engrossing. I hear Jeff Munson is working on a similar project but no one has seen them yet.
We planned to stop at the Hungerford building but drove right by and took a midnight dip in the street pool.
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By the time I got to
Hungerford (~9:30) it was dead… Everyone had locked up and gone home. The dip in the pool was a good idea… could use that tonight.