We got so busy with summer we hardly noticed it was almost over. We were sort of surprised to see this much color in Durand Eastman Park. We’re thinking maybe summer started so early this year that it might just be exhausted.
2 CommentsWe got so busy with summer we hardly noticed it was almost over. We were sort of surprised to see this much color in Durand Eastman Park. We’re thinking maybe summer started so early this year that it might just be exhausted.
was in prospect pk last Sunday and saw 1 tree with red. My heart kinda sunk. not ready to say goodbye to summer at all.
when I was a teenager, learning photography at a Kodak Explorers post, the seasoned Kodak pros used to show us photos like this one, saying the thing to do was ‘always turn it upside down and call it “A Fantasy”.
I’ve noticed that the horse chestnut trees are loaded with chestnuts. This is at least a month early so I think you’re onto something. But I wonder if this means that the leaves fall early but we have an extended warm period with bare trees.
When weather patterns we’ve seen all our lives start changing it is more than a little freaky.