For years duct tape went hand in hand with playing in a band. With thousands of uses it worked its way into everyday life but today I’m finding that clear plastic packing tape has taken its place. I keep a roll out in the garage, one in my art studio and one in our home office. It makes a nice laminate for pictures, it helps keep the binding together on well worn books and allows me to create custom mailers for cds from old envelopes.
I took this shot before last weekend’s opening at I-Square. The five artists/musicians featured in the show (Jed Curran, Steve Piper, Pete Monacelli, Scott Regan and Paul Dodd) are getting as old as duct tape but I found their art work to be seriously engaging and getting to know these guys was a pleasure. I discovered I went to grade school with Jed at Saint Johns on Humboldt Street we’ve hired Pete to help with an addition. Funny how these circles all intertwine in this town. Let’s hope the packing tape will keep us together.
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