The row of spinach that we planted a few weeks ago got swallowed up by the cilantro that went to seed a month ago and is now something like a ground cover so we put in two more rows of spinach. This will probably be our last batch for the season. Spinach is the one thing we can keep up with at the dinner table. I ate cilantro leaves while we planted the spinach. I don’t worry about a little grit in there after reading the article about the health advantage of exposure to local bacteria in a locavore diet. We have eggplant coming out our ears and more tomatoes that we can can. We had zucchini for dinner and picked more of that this evening. The whole trick is grabbing that stuff before it gets too big and seedy.
The huge leaves on our acorn squash are finally dying back enough so we can see the fruit and there is a lot of it. That usually keeps pretty well on top of our refrigerator until Christmas or so. Our neighbor gave us two parsley plants and they have been getting bigger and bigger all summer. I came back with a bunch of that. I picked a few more jalapeños. Can only handle so many of those in a day. I left the red peppers on the vine because we still have a bag from Wegmans. Maybe I’ll roast them tomorrow. There’s a roasted eggplant/red pepper/anchovy tapa in our Spanish cookbook. I might make that. Who needs the Public Market? Actually we plan to get over there tomorrow for the art fair.
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Peppers freeze really well. Just slice them up and put in a freezer bag. You’ll have them all winter. You can make ratatouille with the eggplants (roast them) and zuchinnis, tomatoes, etc. and freeze that.
Lovely time for food but ironically the best and cheapest time for the Market which is great for those of us without gardens…