Apple has a tribute to Steve Jobs on it’s front page this morning, marking one year since his passing. Following the “related stories” link under that story, something I seem to spend half my day doing, I found “Ten Steve Jobs Quotes” including this one, “I think death is the most wonderful invention of life. It purges the system of these old models that are obsolete.” Its a brutal assessment when you’re looking to fill the void.
We met Peggi’s family in Cabo San Lucas one Christmas and the hills outside that noisy tourist town smelled like cilantro. It grows like a weed down there. We planted cilantro seeds this Spring and the plants grew quickly but then turned spindly with more shoots and then seeds than leaves. This has happened to us before. I have always wondered how Wegmans gets those big leafy bunches. This year we let the seeds (coriander) go and in month’s time we have a beautiful patch. Nothing but leaves and delicious in salads.
My cousin has organized a family reunion this weekend and another cousin, a nun, was arranging to bring her father (my uncle) and our aunt (who went into and then out of hospice, the only person I know to have done so) to the picnic in a handicap van. But my uncle has taken a turn for the worse and is “on his way to heaven,” according to his daughter. That’s a comforting thought.
We drove our friend, Bill, to the Oncology Center yesterday so they could radiate the base of his spine in order to shrink his newest tumor, one that has made it painful for him to bend over. On the way home we stopped at the Mobil station at Twelve Corners to pick up his car. A mechanic there massaged the transmission so it would pass inspection and Bill wanted me to drive it home. I stayed in second gear the whole way and managed to get it into reverse before shutting it off in his driveway. Bill said he was thinking of giving the car to someone.
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