We started a little project in our basement last August and have been in construction mode for so long now that art projects have taken a back seat and the slight posts here have grown even slighter. Bearing down with the drywall primer I almost covered the Pete Monacelli directions for creating our window trim. I wiped off my work, took this shot of the collaboration for reference and then painted it out with white. Pete helped us with our project and has an opening of his art work next Thursday at RoCo as part of the Maker/Mentor series. His mentor, Kurt Feuerherm, was my also my mentor when I cobbled together an art degree from SUNY at Empire State.
We have half of the flooring down in our new room and that was just enough for me to set up an easel this weekend. I broke into my art supply box today for a new stick of charcoal. The box had been tucked away when we piled our belongings under a big tarp back in November. The Lowel lights that I used to use for drawing have been serving as shop lights months but I put one of them back in art service on Sunday.
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