I shoveled the driveway in my pajamas this morning. Not the first time I’ve done that. I go out to get the paper and if it looks like it’s over my slippers I shovel my way to the mailbox. I have always liked shoveling snow. I used to do three driveways when we lived in the city, sometimes four, as our neighbors got older. And I used to make money with my shovel when I was in my teens. The rules never change. You have to get out there right away before the snow gets too heavy, before cars drive on it. And do it two or three times in a heavy storm. My father was showing me a Ralph Avery watercolor last night, a scene of downtown Rochester, and told me Avery died shoveling snow in his driveway. Not a bad way to go.
There is nothing like a fresh snowfall. I wish we had more of them. It’s like mother nature has low Testosterone these days.
My mom has two Avery prints. One is a snow scene of Washington Square with the old Clinton Book Store in the background. It was the best place to buy Marvel Comics. Takes me back to exploring downtown as a kid, something that influenced my novel.
I am so fond of Ralph Avery’s paintings. Thanks for sharing this one. I have 2 prints of paintings he did and saved a cover of a McCurdy’s Christmas time 1969 catalog that he did.