Horchata Cocktail

Mel Bochner "Measurement: Shadow" in SoHo 2013
Mel Bochner “Measurement: Shadow” in SoHo 2013

Monica stopped by early in the morning. I hadn’t even finished my first cup of coffee. She sat down and we chatted for awhile while Peggi attended to last minute details. We discussed the options for the quickest route downtown. There’s been all this traffic on Culver because of the construction on 104 so we decided to take 104 to Clinton. We got off the expressway at Clinton and the bridge was closed so got back on, went over the river and down Lake Avenue. It was jammed so Monica went back across the river and up Saint Paul, past the brewery to the train station. We were ten minutes late for the train to NYC and kind of upset at ourselves for not leaving earlier. But as luck would have the train was ten minutes late and still in the station.

We had tickets to the city but decided to get off in Tarrytown since that was going to be our destination for dinner anyway. We hung around the cute little town four hours, most of the time in a coffee shop, and then took a taxi up into the hills where “Blue Hill at Stone Barn” was located. Our nephew had graduated from Columbia Law School earlier in the day and his brother, a sous chef at NoMad, picked this spot. We started with a few rounds of amuse bouche and a horchata cocktail and then so many small courses I lost count. The birds were singing by the time we had settled in at Duane’s place in Brooklyn.

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