Sunday was just like it sounds, a day of sun, a perfect day for a bike ride along Lakeshore Boulevard. Culver Road would take you directly to the lake but we turn at Parkside Diner and get on the new bike trail that cuts through the park and travels along the lake all the way to Charlotte. This whole stretch is so dreamy I don’t want it to end so we ride real slow. I love the long sections of beach where almost anything goes. No lifeguards, no cops, no rules about boats being too close to the shore and of course no one telling you that swimming is prohibited.
We turned down Rock Beach Road and rode up and down Rochester’s “Gold Coast” before continuing west on Rock Beach past Saint Paul and over to O’Laughlin’s where we pulled up a chair on the river and watched the sailboats, speedboats and yachts pass by. This is a perfect spot for people watching with its mix of bikers, muscle cars, partiers pulling up to the dock on their boats and old people like us just hanging out.
On the way back we cruised through the picnic section of Durand Eastman where we used to hold the annual Earring Picnic. A large group in one of the shelters was cranking Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Goin On.”
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