I take one pill a day. I’ve been taking it for so long that I have trouble remembering if I actually took it. I pop it without thinking. My mom has a UTI and and another set of pills to take for it so we stopped by a drugstore today to buy her a “Pill Organizer.” I picked out one that didn’t look too obnoxious and we brought it over to their house.
I could tell as soon as we unwrapped it that it was the wrong one. The containers were colored so you couldn’t see in the chamber when it was closed and it was hard to open. It was laid out as you would expect, Sun. through Sat., but the type was too small and the type on the evening chambers was upside down so if you picked up the container the way my mom did the days of the week would read backwards.
So back to Walgreens where a young girl with blue nail polish cheerfully swapped it out for a large print version that reads up right from one side only, AM and PM laid out in separate chambers Sun. through Sat. in clear plastic with an easy snap latch. Enough of this, “Did I take my pill.”
We helped my dad take his trash out to the curb but before we did he wanted to know what he should do with a shoebox of floppy discs. I was trying to picture if any of our old computers still had a floppy drive. We decided to throw them away but we took one last look at history before we did. Canvas 1.0 from 1991, Hypercard from 1987, Mac Perspective, a program my dad used to design the mural at the UofR Laser Lab, Reunion 1.0. Mac3D, all marvels in their time.
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The Onion showed the software pkg for ObamaCare and it came on 35 floppy discs