We were still in our pjs, reading the paper when an SUV pulled up out front. A couple of very funny looking woman got out and headed up to our neighbor’s door and a third woman came up our walkway. I used to engage these people all the time when we lived in the city. I like talking about religion and I love their little pamphlets. They would leave new ones for us when we weren’t home. If we were busy I would be quick with them but some of them are damn tenacious. I found if I told them “I’m Catholic” they would back off in a hurry. They can’t compete with the orthodoxy. This time Peggi suggested I tell them “We’re Jewish” so I went for it. It only egged this woman on and she got into full conversion mode.
She wanted to talk about eternal salvation and asked me, “What do you think eternity will be like?” I said, “Pretty quiet.” Without missing a beat she said Jesus came into the world to provide us eternal salvation. He died for our sins and his resurrection proves that there is life in the hereafter. I said I don’t believe in the Resurrection.
She fumbled for some reference in the old testament that was in some way related to sacrificing for eternal life and I cut her off. She said, “Well, the Jews made a few mistakes but they are good people.” I volleyed with, “Jesus was a Jew.” She was momentarily stunned but agreed that he was. She asked if she could stop back sometime to continue the conversation and she left me with a pamphlet entitled, “Can The Dead Really Live Again?”
1 Comment
Maybe they rushed up to the neighbor’s door because I used to live there. When I was growing up in the big NYC people were always rushing up trying to hand me things. Some kind-hearted person informed me that I should always take them — because those poor people were paid by the hour to hand out those things. I used to invite your rushing visitors in and offer them Irish Breakfast Tea. (They always refused, weren’t allowed I imagine). But great to have a bible quote and a mutliple-personed blessing in the middle of the day. Wouldn’t turn it down for No-Thing.