My brother was in town, helping my parents downsize in preparation for a change of address. My dad has been going through the items he’s squirreled away, giving them one last glance, scanning some old clippings, drawings and photos, choosing the ones he can’t live without and then letting the rest go either to offspring or Viet Nam Vets.
My brother loaded his car with a bookcase full of Harvard Classics and my dad showed him a hardback copy of “Gulliver’s Travels” that he had come across on a shelf. A chamber had been carved out of the inside pages, big enough to hold a small plastic box. As he was telling us this it all sounded vaguely familiar and I mean vaguely. I remember reading the book for a class and seeing a movie where someone hid a gun or something in an old book but would I have done something like this?. Maybe, not so much to hide pot in or anything (I kept that in my pocket) but just to do it.
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