When you get political you kinda wreck everything. But then everything is political. Who would have guessed that the environment, marriage, guns, prayer, birth control and evolution would be political issues. A stance on any of these issues puts you in the blue or red camp. Now, the decision to go to war in Iraq again, that’s a political issue.
Meanwhile, the guy who got us into this mess is blissfully painting portraits while Obama gets stuck with the cleanup. I’m happy that President George H.W. Bush had a soft landing on his 90th birthday but I’m not gonna let him off the hook for announcing after the first Gulf War in 1991, “The specter of Vietnam has been buried forever in the desert sands of the Arabian peninsula.”
I, too, avoid politics for the most part. I’m listening to the great “Money Jungle,” an lp produced by Alan Douglas, who just passed away on Saturday.
thought hyland park had benches
I don’t usually make public political statements either but…
glad to see someone else feels as I do.