Pete Monacelli did a series of drawings based on the old Security Trust building downtown. His wife worked there for many years and he found enough architectural details in the 1960’s building to churn out a brilliant batch of interpretations. And since seeing his show at Rochester Contemporary I have been paying closer attention to the buildings this city has to offer. As brutal as they are they don’t last forever. We’ve already begun tearing down buildings from the sixties.
We take so many things for granted. I’ve walked by there so many times and never noticed those beautiful shapes of the benches against the bicycle racks and the building. And then thinking of the time it comes from like what you say in your blog. it’s cool
Brtual, the adjective, or brutal as in brutalism 🙂
so.. let me vainly assume you saw my post on brutalism the architecture~ that would be a nice crossover.
I did and, of course, that’s what what got me going.