Singapore artist, Stephen Black, arranged an art show for the two of us in Brooklyn this summer. My bio was updated and a poster was created, modified and approved. we corresponded back and forth on the details. I mounted fifteen drawings under glass in frames, the same frames I had used in the recent I-Square show. Peggi and I were planing to play at the opening and we were going to stay nearby with Duane. About a month before the show Steve told us he was not able to get to the states.
I’m fine with this. It’s tough going anywhere when it is so nice out. The only bummer is that we won’t see Steve.
No doubt you have already seen this but…
Yes. Right up my alley.
Photos are one thing, but drawing the photos is quite another 🙂
Egads..just seeing this now..yes. that was a great disappointment…really wanted to do that, see you/Peggi/your work, be in NYC/Brooklyn etc. (I’m gonna have to figure out how to subscribe to your blog one of these days)