![Six deer in woods near Durand Eastman Park, Rochester New York](http://www.popwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/SixDeerInCommonslg.jpg)
What do six deer in the woods near our house have to do with the tragic breaking news of a private plane going down in Jamaica? Developer, Larry Glazer, and his wife were on board. By some reports he was the biggest real estate developer in New York Sate and pioneered Rochester’s downtown re-development. He owns the formerly iconic Midtown Tower, Xerox corporate headquarters building. Bausch & Lomb headquarters along with large swath of downtown Rochester’s booming loft space.
Were headed downtown for First Friday tonight. The nearby woods and the downtown scene are all part of our local quality of life package. Forget about how Rochester lost it’s industrial mojo. Larry was bringing it back and I hope someone is on board to carry on as a tribute to his optimism.
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