The Homemade Aeroplane site said we would receive our boarding passes by post and sure enough, on the day before our departure they arrived. Google maps said the journey to the Catskill Aerodrome would take just under four hours but we took the scenic route along Routes 5 & 20.
It was a clear sunny day but dangerous snow had drifted across the road in some of the wide open spots. Our hotel room was on the other side of the river in Hudson so we passed through the town of Catskill on the way, in effect doing a reverse dry run of the hop over the Rip Van Winkle bridge to Amy and Eric’s place later tonight.
A Trip Advisor review of the 139 year old Saint Charles Hotel said, “Don’t do it!” but we tempted fate. It’s a funky old brick building in the center of town that was probably a pretty cool bar in its day. We signed a waiver that said we’d be charged $250 if we smoked in our room and then found the room already smelled like smoke. The floor runs uphill toward the windows too but we’re not complaining.
The show tonight promises a special guest but that’s a secret. I told Duane Sherwood (owner of a beautiful Wreckless Eric painting) we were headed down this way for the show and he said, “Are you sure you are not the special guests?” I am sure of that.
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