Our yellow Winter Aconite flowers are more bountiful than ever this year. They were stuck under the snow and about a month late but they are wide open today. They don’t last long like that. They prefer the old weather and is in the sixties today. The low riders and motorcycles are out. Our neighbor’s main water line is still frozen so it’s probably too early to turn on the water to the outdoor faucets. They went out of town for a bit and their water line froze. They have a garden hose connected to the house next door. I threw the last of the snow on our patio out into the yard and got the lawn chairs out of the garage. I’m ready for horseshoes.
I assume you have performed the ritualistic painting of the shoes already. For me this season’s mantra: “throw it flat”
Good idea, the painting part. You mean “flat” like no flips or flops? Does hat mean rotating so it spins on the horizontal axis like the pros? You must be getting good.
No flips is the goal. 1 1/4 turns is my optimum. But no, not good only a dreamer. Currently I’m throwing 8-15% ringers but who knows, some morning the magic may come to my fingers!