When a hawk flies low over your head it gets your attention. When one flies overhead with a whole squirrel in it’s mouth it is startling.
Someone has been eating the jalepeños in the garden. First it was just the fruit and then it was whole plants. Red peppers were missing too and yesterday every last eggplant was gone. We had been baiting our Hav-a-heart trap with apple pieces and the chipmunks were getting them. Even if they set the trap off they are small enough to escape. We had trouble earlier this year with our cilantro. We got lucky last night and we caught the varmint, a docile woodchuck. I felt sorry for him. Animal control came and took him away. I hope he’s happy where ever it is that they dropped him off.
It strikes me that these two vignettes are the well that “Big Ditch” goes to for their material. “Dry Cow Blues,” “Chicken Legs,” “Crooked Creek,” “Stump Grinder,” “Log Jam,” and “Cold, Cold Ground.” They launched a fantastic new cd on Saturday night at the Firehouse Saloon. This place looks like a sports bar from the road but the back room is a pretty damn good facsimile of a rock n’ roll club. Big Ditch sounded great in here. I recorded my favorite song.
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