Leslie Peterson, a Utah artist who took her first art class three years ago, painted all 34 wives of the Mormon founder, Joseph Smith as part of her “Forgotten Wives Project.” It is presumed that each of these 34 women married him because they felt they were doing the Lord’s will. I think some priests mined that same territory. Working from photos and imagination Peterson gives shape to these women and tells a big story.
Louise Wareham Leonard’s book, “52 Men” succinctly details her relationships with a larger number. Of course some of these are closer to encounters but who’s counting? The stories unfold crisply in fast motion and move in surprising directions. They are tragic and often funny. They add up in mysterious ways.
In Number 26 John’s second wife, who he describes as a performance artist, sends him videos of herself dancing naked in a giant barn. The book’s lead character sees the video and tells John, “That’s not performance art. That’s her sending videos of herself naked and talking to you.”
Part 2 of “52 Men” provides some context to the mystery but it may never be solved.
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