Was this really the opening night of Fringe Fest? We were downtown for an opening at the gallery in the main library. My basketball players were on display. Janet Williams, who works there and was on duty, stopped down to take a look. She is one of my favorite painters so I hung on her every word. She told me, “I feel like I know these people.”
We parked stategicly so we could check out the festival after the art. There was a play or something going on in the Xerox auditorium. It was too nice a nice for that. We walked over to Manhattan Square Park and watched some young kids climb the dangerously steep concrete steps. They were setting up lights on the giant erector set. Across the street the group that dances down the side of the twenty story bank building was rehearsing for tomorrow night’s performance. A band was playing inside a small red bus on Gibbs Street. A crowd was gathered around a clear plastic tent in the parking lot. People inside were in a hot tub and more people were gathered around the tub and a band was playing in there as well. I know I read about this one but I can’t remember if the performers were in the tub or outside of the tub. We talked to Marc Hamilton, Jeff Spingut and Peter Monacelli and were home in time to watch “Gimme Shelter” before bed.
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