Leather Trousers

Snow on bridge grate in Durand Eastman Park in Rochester, New York
Snow on bridge grate in Durand Eastman Park in Rochester, New York

Is there a Tinsel Town in every city? Ours is on Buffalo Road, about half way to Buffalo in Gates. Tonight, for one night only, they were showing “Florence and the Uffizi Gallery.” Their Renaissance masterpieces include Michelangelo’s David, Leonardo’s Annunciation, Birth of Venus by Botticelli and the Shield of Medusa by Caravaggio so we had to go.

The good parts, the long closeups of the paintings and sculptures were sensational. The bad parts, well, “Quince Jam”s” YouTube review says it better than I can. “The music is appalling, suitable only for a Hollywood panshot around the Grand Canyon. Totally inappropriate for this film and FAR too loud and overblown. And the dreadful actor playing the ridiculous concept of being one of the Medici. Only go with earplugs and prepare to shut your eyes while he hams it up as an ACTOR in his leather trousers.”


2 Replies to “Leather Trousers”

  1. GRRRRRR – I got the dates mixed up! I thought it was the 28th…. I’m setting reminders for the rest of the shows, glad you enjoyed part of it

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