We spent the night at my brother Mark’s place in New Jersey and we intended to get a good night sleep but we sat around talking until early this morning. We brought my sister Ann down with us. She had arranged to get time off from her job at Parkleigh a long time ago and just wanted to get down to New York. She is still steamed that my father drove Mark and me down here to see the World’s Fair in ’64. We slept in the car on that trip and Ann stayed home with my mom and my four other siblings.
We had plans to meet Duane in Chelsea at 10AM. We were anxious to to see the show of Ellsworth Kelly’s last paintings at Matthew Marks Gallery. I was up before Peggi. Mark made eggs over easy for me before he headed off to work and when Peggi got up she scrambled some eggs. They tasted gritty and she had Mark taste them. Mark asked what she put in them and Peggi said “just some salt and pepper.” Mark realized that she must have used the salt shaker that sits above the stove, the one his wife’s best friend brought back from California from a restaurant they used to go to when they lived there, the one that was filled with sand from the beach they used to go to.
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