I remember when someone broke the four minute mile. Was that Jim Ryan? Google would know. We walked up to Wegman’s today and took a round about route. We divided the miles there by the time it took us to get there and determined that had walked a few 17 minute miles. We’re still thinking of walking El Camino in April so we calculate these sort of things. We’ve skied so much in the last month we have sort of forgotten how to walk. We didn’t really need much at Wegman’s but we needed a destination.
We sampled cheese and ran into my cousin. She’s helping take care of her brother and that has become a black hole. He blames his problems on her. Black holes take a long time to describe but it was a fun conversation. We were still in the cheese section when Cynthia Howk from the Landmark Society spotted Peggi. She couldn’t wait to tell her how much she like Peggi’s post on the Hershey house on her old neighborhood. And she pushed Peggi again to do a book on Don Hershey.
We stopped in Aman’s Farm Market on the way back and spotted an obit near the counter for the woman who was always behind the counter. We picked up some Cuba cheese and a bag of roasted peanuts which we ate on the way back. I feel like we are already on the Camino.
I talked to someone who did the Camino, which is on my bucket list and has been for years. Her advice was don’t just walk to prep, walk with a weighted backpack. It is an entirely different workout for your body. Otherwise you can do a number on your back, get blisters, etc. I walk about five miles daily, often with a pack but seldom with a lot of weight. When I travel I use a pack and it is different!
I went to Amans such a lot. Do you remember any more about the staffer who died? Thanks
Solid suggestion Martin. Something we know but have yet to do. We usually travel light but I’m am looking to see how just how little I really need.
And, Louise, here is a link to the obit for the woman at Aman’s.
Roger Bannister officially broke the 4-minute mile. But what always interested me was so many world-class runners couldn’t do it before then. There were even some scientists who “proved” (on paper) no human could do it.
But shortly after Bannister ran it, literally dozens of runners all over the world were breaking it (and some even faster!) Like so many things, the “barrier” was merely psychological – not physical.